Monday, August 31, 2009

Luther Week Day 1

Great Day to be an Ole! The guys gave great effort today at our first game week practice. Luther will be a good challenge for our team and we are looking forward to a good old fashioned physical football game. It was a beautiful day on the Hill - as it always is - and the Son & sun were shinning brightly.

Saturday is also move in day at St. Olaf - so we are looking forward to the new crop of Oles - joined by the returning Oles - to come cheer on the football team. As always, the Alumni Tailgate Tent will be up and running - thanks to the Touchdown Club. Saturday promises to be another great stop on the 2009 Ole Football Family journey!


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Great Camp - Luther Week

With mixed emotions we ended camp yesterday. Happy that our guys worked so hard through some very challenging practices. Sad that we know that our time together on a daily basis will start to get less and less as we embark on the next stage of our journey.

Tonight we start our Luther prep with our players. The coaches spent all afternoon and evening yesterday and this morning game planning. Our players will come in and watch film from yesterday's practice and then it is on to Luther! Sept. 5; 1:00pm - on "The Hill" SEE YOU THEN!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Great Camp - Great Family

WOW - what a great camp so far - the guys are working so hard and I could not be more proud of them nor would I trade them for any other team! They were awesome today during the end of practice conditioning. They really showed the family spirit and did such an incredible job lifting each other up to absolutely dominate that workout! There is great excitment in the Ole-Nation!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Full Speed Ahead!

Yesterday was a great day -morning practice afternoon walk-through. I love the pace of this camp. Our young men have risen to the challenge I put to them. With the help of my staff, we are running a very intense two-a-days schedule. The guys are responding so well that all of Ole-nation can be proud.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Boys Are Back In Town!

Reporting Day went really well yesterday. As soon as they walked through the doors of Porter Hall you could tell that the boys worked very hard this summer. We had a great evening practice and we are about 15 minutes away from our team devotional. The rains have stopped and, as always, the Son/sun is shinning on the hill!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Staff Get Together

My wife and I hosted a staff party with all the families of all the assistant coaches at our house last night. What an awesome time for our families. Wives talking and making plans to join us during 2-A-Days (which starts Saturday!), kids playing with each other and of course the coaches sharing how excited we are to have our guys back on campus. Just another example of how we live what we say - Faith, Family, Football.


Monday, August 10, 2009

An Ole in the State Department

Congratulations to Sr. QB John Haberman for receiving an internship with the United States Department of State. John will be serving in the U.S. Embassy in Italy. The internship will begin sometime after Semester I finals. We will miss seeing John on campus this spring but we are very excited for him to have an opportunity to display, to the world, what an outstanding young man and leader he has shown himself to be at St. Olaf College. We know he will represent Ole-nation well!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ole Athletic Dept. Golf Outing

The staff and I had a wonderful time at Willingers Golf Club yesterday as we enjoyed the day at the St. Olaf College Athletic Department Golf Tournament. The Touchdown Club had a foursome and I was fortunate enough to be part of the team. We did ok on the scorecard (obviously, I have been so busy running the football program that my golf game is suffering!) but more importantly we enjoyed the opportunity to show how connected all the Ole athletes and coaches, past and present, were and continue to be. Great day - great cause - great people.