Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Recharged and Reset

Well, it has been a very busy winter as my staff and I have been working hard to secure the next class of Oles. With a little over 2 weeks to go, we are at 22 recruits with about another 17 still making their decision.

At the same time we have been evaluating how we can become more modern in our recruiting efforts - that is - we are trying to answer the question, "How do we do a better job of reaching our target audience earlier in the recruiting process?" We are excited about some of the new ideas that we have and the new policies and recruiting tools we are going to be incorporating in our recruiting efforts for next years class (which Coach Stern has already started handwriting notes to a select number!)

In the next few months you can look for:
-Web video of "A Day as an Ole"
-A new updated TD Club web page & blog
-More active Twitter activity from OLEFOOTBALL

Exciting times "On the Hill"!

Make It Great!
Coach Olszewski