Monday, June 28, 2010

Visits, Playbooks and Staff Vacation

The month of June has been a busy and productive time for the Ole Football program. We have had 5 visit days and each of those days gave us an opportunity for my staff and I to share our message of Ole Football: Faith, Family, Football. This is the first year that we have had formal visit days in June and we are glad that we implemented the visit days into our recruiting schedule and look forward to expanding these days in the future. We are finalizing our planning for our last summer visit day on Monday, August 9, 2010.

In addition to our outstanding early recruiting efforts, we have also been critically analyzing our film from the 2009 season and examining our playbooks: offensive, defensive and special teams. With our 46 incoming freshman and a strong nucleus of returners, the coaches have been really dialing in what we ask our young men to do in each of the phases of the game. The coaches were brutally honest in the assessments and we have really fine tuned each of the playbooks.We are fortunate that our players are anxious for the coming season; they know that many will doubt them and they are using that doubt to fuel the fire as they prepare to prove the naysayers wrong!

Anybody that follows Ole Football for any amount of time knows that the underling theme in Porter Hall is Family. We talk about all the time but more importantly our guy live it every day with each other. As coaches, I know that we have to be purposeful in our commitment to our families. The passion we feel for working with our outstanding young men in this great game often times lead to us spending extra time in the office at the cost of our young families. In July, we are going to take time off and give back to those in our lives that give up so much so we can be football coaches.

Don't forget, July 19 is the Ole Football Alumni Golf Tournament. This is a great event to help reconnect/stay connected to the Oles of your time and those in the extended Ole family. Visit the TD Clubs web page for more details.